For those of you who regularly follow this blog, and also for you folks who don’t follow it, but are addicted to internet surfing and randomly ran across this blog on August 11th and also randomly stumbled on it again today, you know I’m a big believer in reading aloud. On August 11th, I confessed I read my “creations” to my wife before publishing them on WordPress because I live in mortal terror of embarrassing myself publicly with terrible writing, not that public embarrassment has ever truly stopped me in the past. I highly recommended it then and, 60,480 minutes later, I still recommend it. The mistakes that you miss when you scan a document after writing it are much easier to find when you actually have to listen to the words.

I’m a little zonked out on allergy medication today, so I’m going to quickly pass along some additional and similar advice. If you are married or similarly involved with someone, try reading aloud to your significant other on a regular basis. My wife and I do a little Bible reading every night. Now, I’m sure some of you are asking, “Why do you do that every night?” and some others of you are asking “Why do you read the Bible?” and maybe a few of you are asking, “How do you stop the ceaseless and inexorable flow of entropy?” Well, I can’t help with that last question, but I can provide answers to the first two questions. To answer that second question first, my wife and I are Christians and as Christians we profess a love of God through Jesus Christ. For those of you that have been in love, you know that if you truly love someone, you want to know everything about them. For us, the best way to know about God is by reading the Bible. That’s not the only way to learn about God. You can learn about God by cracking open a book about physics or mathematics or biology. You can learn about God by reading Shakespeare. The source that works best for us is the Bible.

So why every night? Well, it’s something we can do together. For reasons that I can’t go into, we are a little limited in things that the two of us can do with each other. Doing a reading is a way of connecting that’s entertaining and inexpensive and teaches us a little each time about each other. Remember what I said a little earlier about being in love? When we do the reading, we get to discuss what strikes us as important in the reading and sometimes that leads to some interesting tangents. And it’s fun. It’s a little like a date night, except we get to do it every night. If the Bible isn’t your thing, try the newspaper, or even Shakespeare. You might be surprised about what you learn about the other person. You might be surprised about what you learn about yourself.

And now the meds are telling to either take another nap or veg out in front of the television. Hope this helps!